Capacity Rules

Capacity rules define the type and volume of work that an agent can receive before they are considered fully allocated. Once an agent becomes fully allocated, they will not receive any more work items until their allocation status changes to either partially allocated or not allocated. A capacity rule can have multiple conditions included so that agents can continue to receive work offers until they are at full capacity from any combination of those conditions.

The Voice channel is an exception and assumes that an agent is busy when taking a single call. CxEngage will not send additional calls to an agent until their current call is complete. CxEngage may continue to send non-voice work offers, depending on the capacity rule configuration.

Capacity rules are created with one of the following types:

  • Any: An agent is considered to be fully allocated and will not be offered additional work items if any of the individual capacity rule components are met.
  • All: An agent is only considered to be fully allocated and will not be offered additional work items when all of the individual capacity rule components are met.
  • Percentage: Each channel type is assigned a percentage value that defines the percentage of the agent's total capacity that each type of interaction will occupy. The lower the percentage, the more interactions of each type can be handled concurrently. The higher the percentage, the more that each interaction of that type requires of that agent's capacity and the fewer concurrent interactions can be assigned before reaching the 100% limit.
    NOTE: The Percentage rule type is currently available on the Early Access (EA) version of Capacity Rules Management in the configuration UI. This page is enabled by default on all tenants but can be disabled from the Early Access page.

Capacity rule conditions are configured for each of the work offer types that your agents may handle. You can combine different channels for a condition, or have separate conditions configured for each one.

The Messaging channel includes any of the chat messaging options, including web chat and Facebook Messenger.

Capacity rules are assigned at the user level within the configuration console. When a rule is assigned, incoming work offers can continue to be sent to the agent while they have capacity for that type of work as defined in the rule conditions.

Agents who do not have a capacity rule assigned to them are eligible to receive one work offer at a time from any of the channels that are used by your tenant and are routed to that agent based on the flow, queue, and skill settings that you have configured.

Similar to other CxEngage features such as flow, you can save multiple versions of a capacity rule. You can change the active version to support your capacity needs.

Example Scenario 1 (Any & All)

You may choose to have fewer work items assigned to newer agents than to your more experienced ones. You can do this by configuring different capacity rules that allow for different volumes of work and assign them to individual users as needed.

Example Scenario 2 (Any)

You may only want your agents receive a small number of SMS or messages at a time, but have those agents available to accept a larger number of emails at one time.

Example Scenario 3 (Percentage)

You may want a dynamic configuration that allows for a variety of combinations based on channel type percentages and not solely on defined limits per channel.

Capacity rule conditions work in conjunction to determine if an agent is partially or fully allocated. When you create a capacity rule with more than one condition, ensure that those conditions are compatible and don't conflict with each other. For example, if one condition says that an agent can receive two SMS messages there shouldn't be another condition that includes the SMS channel and a volume count higher than two.

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